I’ve made a lot of game jams over the years, but sadly not all of them are still playable. The ones listed here are ones that you can still access. My full list of projects I’ve worked on can be found here.
If I make new ones or find old ones, they will be added here.
DUNKEN – 2022

PLAY: https://anderssonkev.itch.io/dunken
Dunken served as an exercise in making something online multiplayer. In this game you play the classic Swedish game “Dunken” with friends.

PLAY: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/820169
This was a halloween game jam project made together with Kevin Andersson.
A CUP’S LIFE – 2019

PLAY: https://anderssonkev.itch.io/a-cups-life
A cup’s life was and LD-GameJam game made together with Kevin Andersson and Dominic Ninmark.
PLAY: https://v3.globalgamejam.org/2018/games/disco-deathmatch
Disco Deathmatch was made during Global Game Jam in 2018 with BearishMushroom and Kryptarchy. I also did the audio design for this.
I HAVE TO POOP dot EXE – 2017

PLAY: Download zip link
Super silly code exercise I made when I started learning how to code. I still find this to be rather funny so I don’t mind sharing it. It was my first C# project made in Unity. I later moved on to GML for GameMaker and left C# behind.
Disaster Baby – 2017

PLAY: Download zip link
This was a weird game jam. Some rich old man wanted people to make and pitch a game that “would make money”.. We just goofed around and made something funny instead.. They booked the whole game jam event at a hotel and we got paid the stay, the food and plane tickets. It was pretty awesome. We were multiple people on this project, William Karlsson, Tudor Gogan, Pablo Sorribes, Martin Viidik, and myself.
It’s a really confusing game.. I still don’t quite know how to play it or if you can even win lol!